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ECR2P Seminar Series, Book Launch - Strengthening the Responsibility to Protect: A Transnational Cosmopolitan Approach

Wednesday 13 March 2024 | 14:00-15:00 | Online (Zoom)

Event poster. Text reads: Book Launch - Strengthening the Responsibility to Protect: A Transnational Cosmopolitan Approach. Date: Wednesday 13th March 2024 Time: 14:00-15:00 (UTC+00.00, London) Location: Virtual (Zoom)


Dr Richard Illingworth (University of Glasgow) will launch his book, Strengthening the Responsibility to Protect: A Transnational Cosmopolitan Approach (Routledge, 2023), at the second event in the European Centre for the Responsibility to Protect’s Seminar Series this semester.


In 2005, member states of the United Nations (UN) accepted a ‘Responsibility to Protect’ against four mass atrocity crimes: genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and ethnic cleansing. Despite this commitment, mass atrocities remain a pervasive aspect of the international landscape. Determining that the need for R2P reform is pressing, my book, Strengthening the Responsibility to Protect, utilises a ‘transitional cosmopolitan’ lens to address the matter of reform. The aim of this transitional cosmopolitan approach is to promote incremental progress towards solving moral problems by operating within particular contexts and practical barriers to change. Three areas for reform are explored: the UN Security Council P5’s power of veto, to prevent the veto obstructing timely and decisive R2P response action; the powers of the UN General Assembly as an alternative means for responding to mass atrocity situations; and the establishment of an ‘R2P Commission’ to hold states accountable for their R2P commitments. These are not advocated as the definitive areas for R2P reform. However, each of the recommendations made can contribute at least some positive progress towards a more cosmopolitan application of the R2P that would help in curbing mass atrocity and improving the protection of fundamental human rights.

This event is hosted on Zoom on Wednesday 13th March at 14:00-15:00. Please click the link to register and attend!