Professor Jennifer Welsh, Former UN Assistant Secretary-General and Special Adviser on the R2P, delivers the ECR2P’s Third Annual Lecture at the University of Leeds
Photo Courtesy of Leeds Media Services
On October 22nd, we were delighted to have Professor Jennifer Welsh, the Canada 150 Research Chair in Global Governance and Security, and former UN Assistant Secretary-General and Special Adviser on the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), at the University of Leeds, to deliver our Third Annual Lecture.
Professor Welsh delivered our Third Annual lecture to a wide audience from across our University, which also included participants coming from around the UK to Leeds for this sold-out event.
Photo Courtesy of Leeds Media Services
ECR2P Co-Director Dr Cristina Stefan welcomed the audience and our distinguished guest speaker, Professor Jennifer Welsh, to the University of Leeds, and talked about ECR2P’s work to date.
Photo Courtesy of Leeds Media Services
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation, Professor Lisa Roberts, introduced Professor Welsh and highlighted the importance of conducting impact-generating research and bridging the two worlds of academic excellence and high policy impact, something Professor Welsh perfected in our discipline and at the United Nations.
Photo Courtesy of Leeds Media Services
Professor Jennifer Welsh delivered a fascinating talk to a sold out lecture hall, which covered the normative aspects related to protection norms and their contestation, as well as the practice of protection and a variety of case studies.
Photo Courtesy of Leeds Media Services
The Third Annual lecture was followed by a fascinating Q&A session.
Photo Courtesy of Leeds Media Services
This Third Annual Lecture was also designed to showcase women’s excellence in research and innovation. Professor Jennifer Welsh’s profile is the perfect illustration of such research excellence and something that the two speakers introducing her recognised in their welcoming addresses.