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R2P & European Policies

Project synopsis:

In 2011, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon emphasised in his annual report on R2P the central role regional organisations such as the EU could play in the promotion and implementation of the emerging international norm. Gareth Evans, co-chair of the ICISS report and leading figure of R2P, had predicted in 2008 that “of all the regional organisations capable of helping make R2P a reality, the twenty-seven-member EU [would bring] by far the greatest potential strengths”. In light of the nature of the values shared by the EU member states and the fact that one of the priorities of its emerging foreign policy is the promotion of human protection, it would indeed be unsurprising to see the EU be a key promoter of R2P. However, considering that existing work often focuses on particular interventions or on specific member states’ relationship to the international norm, it is challenging to gain a full understanding of this key regional institution’s commitment to the norm over the years. It makes it difficult to predict how the EU will address major current and future challenges such as the refugee crisis, and in turn, to analyse how these challenges will impact the EU’s relationship to the international norm. Additionally, when examining closely the EU’s approach to R2P, it becomes apparent that the institution is facing some key challenges not only in terms of norm internalisation but also when it comes to implementation. In light of these gaps and challenges, the ECR2P aims to investigate the EU’s relationship to R2P over time, which involves analysing both the EU’s overall conception and practice of the norm, and the specific approach of some of its key member states. Additionally, through rigorous interdisciplinary research and dialogue between academics and practitioners, the Centre aims to provide recommendations on how the EU could strengthen its promotion and implementation of R2P.

Research papers and recent publications in this area:

Gifkins J, Jarvis S, Ralph J. (2019). Brexit and the United Nations Security Council: Declining British Influence? International Affairs

Newman E, Stefan CG (2019) ‘Normative Power Europe? The EU’s Embrace of the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ in a Transitional International Order’. Journal of Common Market Studies.

Newman, E (2018) ‘The Limits of Liberal Humanitarianism in Europe: The ‘Responsibility to Protect’ and Forced Migration, European Review of International Studies, Vol.4, Issue 2-3, pp.59-77.

Newman, E (2018) ‘The EU Global Strategy in a Transitional International Order’, Global Society, Vol.32, Issue 2, pp.198-209.

Newman, E. and Visoka, G (2018) ‘The European Union’s practice of state recognition: Between norms and interests. Review of International Studies.

EU Task Force (2013) 'The EU and the Prevention of Mass Atrocities - An Assessment of Strengths and Weaknesses'  Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention

V4 Task Force (2017) 'Capabilities of the Visegrad Group in preventing extremism. Budapest Centre for Mass Atrocities Prevention'